Monday, December 1, 2014

XVIII--The Moon

When I created this card, the word that most often came to mind was illusion. By the light of the moon, things do not appear as they do in the full shine of the sun; sometimes, they take on a sinister aspect, and other times, it's as if you've walked into a dream. This uncertainty in regards to what you're seeing can instigate fear and anxiety, or perhaps trigger something in your subconscious. Connecting with your subliminal self can lead to a kindling of the imagination and visionary experiences. Even so, you have to be mindful of lingering in the land of forever-eventide and fantasy, for it may cause you to lose your way in confusion.

I've drawn the moon cupped in a poppy flower, as the poppy is a symbol of the Greek god of dreams--Morpheus. Opium derives from poppies, and the latex harvested from the seed pods contains morphine and codeine, alkaloids known for their sedative and hallucinogenic properties.

I've also drawn the traditional wolf and dog, crustacean, and monoliths; but to the monoliths, I've added some stylized Ipomoea or Moon Flowers, which bloom only at night. I find it amazing and a little comforting to know that there are living things out there that actually need the dark to grow and that they have complements to help them flourish (like nighttime pollinators--moths and bats).

I've also put in a naked young woman with milky white skin, hair sprouting leaflets and half-formed poppies, wearing a mask made from a Luna Moth. "Luna" is Latin for "moon," and like all members of Saturniidae, they have no mouths and do not eat as adults--they emerge from the cocoon solely to mate, to create.

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