Saturday, December 20, 2014

XIX--The Sun

I loved drawing this card; I really felt the energy of it as I was working through the design. In my version, the sun bursts forth from a lush bloom, enlightening everything beneath it. There really is no hiding in the stark light of day--all is apparent and the truth of the whole is laid bare. I have included the naked child that is in the original RWS design; in my drawing, he has an aureole around his head and is basking in the sun's rays--he represents the happiness and joy that we feel when we are in-tuned with ourselves at all levels of being and consciousness.

I have also included the four sunflowers of the RWS design, and they are flourishing and beaming under the sun. Some cultivars of sunflowers average 12-16 feet, while the tallest on record is an astonishing 28 feet! Humans domesticated the wild flower and have bred them with their stunning and glorious influorescences and height in mind. When they bloom in my garden in late summer and early autumn, they truly are the stars of the show--they are what everyone notices, especially the bees! I love watching their heads turn with the movement of the sun throughout the day...

1 comment:

  1. These cards are so appealing!! I look forward to seeing the color versions as well.
